Friday 27 November 2015

The price we pay for wearing a mask

We all wear masks. We all have ways to present a face to the world - a brave face, a pretty face - that we think is an improvement on our real face.

If we pretend we're more fierce than we really are, it may convince other people to not even try to attack us.

If we pretend we're meek and mild, and hide the lion inside us, people may not feel threatened by us and will leave us alone.

If we pretend to be happy and easy-going, maybe no-one will see the pain we're hiding, and so people won't trample our vulnerabilities.

Can you see a pattern? We put on a mask to keep safe.

What are the consequences though? The unintended ones?
Well, we may get so used to our mask that we don't take it off anymore. We face all the people in our lives, friend and foe, with that same mask.

It will keep people at arm's length. No threatening enemies. But also no-one getting really close.

If safety is the pay-off we get for wearing a mask, intimacy is the price we pay. Because if we don't show our vulnerable side to those we love, we don't allow them to get close.

By pretending that all is always "fine", we don't let anyone into our real world - a world in which sadness may be a visitor, just like joy, happiness or worry.

Want to do something different? Try taking it off, starting with the people who make you feel good about yourself.