Saturday, 12 August 2017

Are you truly generous?

I hope it is safe to say that most of us try to be giving.

We give our time, to listen, to care, to help, or just to be there. And sometimes to say "no".
We give our money or possessions to look after those we love, and for some of us, even to those we don't know personally.

And we get something in return.
I don't mean gratitude - that is actually often not included in the deal.

But we get this feeling inside ourself, this warm and fuzzy feeling, of giving freely and out of love.

I truly believe that for most of us, we like making others feel good about themselves and in turn, that makes us feel good about ourselves.

Some are better at giving than others. Some are world champions in giving.
I do hope you have some people like that in your life.

It doesn't matter how it is expressed, whether in their readiness to be there for you, their completely non-judgemental way of listening to you, or the way they cook or care for you.

But even they often have a flaw - they know how to give, freely, endlessly, but they may not know how to accept from others. And by always being the giver, they take away our opportunity to spoil them in return.

So, if you want to be truly generous, by all means, give as much as you can - but please remember to allow others to give to you as well, so they too can experience that lovely feeling of being generous.